Frequently asked questions

What should I expect in my initial appoitment? 
You will be asked to complete initial paperwork including a standard intake form for your personal contact details, and a consent form. You may also be asked to complete a short questionnaire to obtain an initial measure of symptoms. The psychologist can run through any questions or concerns about the administrative forms. 
During your initial session, the psychologist will informally undertake an initial assesment to ascertain presenting problems and issues, personal circumstances and a brief history of your background if relevant. 
Most importanty, you will collaboratively discuss what you'd like to obtain from your sessions in terms of goals and how to track these moving forward together. 
How long will therapy last?
The psychologist will formulate a treatment plan with you. 
Everyone has different needs based on unique circumstances, so treatment plans and timing of sessions will differ, depending on various factors such as symptom severity and complexity of issues. 
Some may benefit from short term treatment to address immediate concerns, whilst others may require longer term treatment for long standing or pervasive issues. 
How long is a session?
A typical session lasts 50-60 minutes. 
Are my sessions confidential?
Your information will be kept confidential (including clinical notes and outcome measures), unless you provide written consent to disclose your information to others, such as a family member(s) or third party funding bodies. 
The psychologist will explain limitations to confidentaility such as legal issues. 
How much does a session cost?
The session fee is $185. However, you may be eligible to receive a Medicare rebate of $93.35 per session, for up to 10 sessions per calendar year, if you obtain a referral and Mental Health Care Plan from your GP. 